The RHF is hosting a National Summit for Indigenous Teacher Education: Innovate, Ignite, Impact, Influence:  The future of Indigenous Teacher Education in Calgary, Alberta, June 5-7, 2023.

Click here to join us virtually on Treaty 7 territory and the homeland of the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3, for community, connection, and celebration of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit teacher education with participants, Elders, leaders, and speakers from coast to coast to coast.


Livestreamed Events:

Tuesday June 6th, 10:00AM MT

Opening Keynote: Celebrating best practices and leadership in Indigenous teacher education strategies: Learning from the Pirurvik Centre    

Speaker: Leena Evic (Pirurvik Centre)

Description: To open the National Summit, we will celebrate with an Inuk educator who was among the first to go through training and teach in an Indigenous teacher education program and who has been on the forefront of inspiring reclamation of Inuit education. Our keynote will take us on a journey through her story spanning over four decades as an Inuk educator witnessing and working in diverse facets of education systems. She will reflect on how Indigenous governance models in education can empower Indigenous education and students through using traditional approaches to teaching and learning, maintaining flexibility, working with knowledge keepers, and stepping onto the land where knowledge lies. Best practices in leadership within non-status quo systems will be discussed to demonstrate how Indigenous Peoples are making bold decisions about their destiny and dignity and creating space for cultural pride and vitality to be felt, seen, and experienced.


Wednesday, June 7th, 9:30AM MT

What would 10,000 First Nations, Inuit, and Métis teachers mean for Canada? 

Speaker: Rebecca Jamieson (Six Nations Polytechnic)

Description: This closing keynote will speak to the potential for impact of 10,000 Indigenous teachers to transform education systems as well as the lives of Indigenous youth: how do we work collectively to arrive at this goal? What will it take in terms of commitments across various sectors?

Growing Indigenous Teacher Education Through Self-Determination and Indigenous Knowledge (PDF)