Support our work to build a better Canada for all
The Rideau Hall Foundation serves to shine a light on Canadian excellence and to create the conditions for more Canadians to succeed and to thrive.
Established in 2012 by the Right Honourable David Johnston, then Governor General of Canada, the RHF has become a nation-building charity: a catalytic platform to connect people, causes and organizations which – while they will exist for differing purposes – share a common belief in and commitment to the potential of Canada.
Our CRA charitable registration number is: 848037248RR0001. A charitable tax receipt will be issued for all eligible donations.
Leave a legacy gift
Leaving a legacy gift allows your generosity to extend beyond your lifetime.
Azrieli Foundation gifts $4 million to RHF to support Catapult Canada, removing barriers to youth learning nationally
Oct 24, 2023
Advancing Indigenous Teacher Education: $13.2 Million in Grants Awarded
Feb 28, 2024
The Barrett Canada Fund: Setting our sights together
Oct 7, 2020