Indigenous Teacher Education Initiative
The RHF is at the beginning stages of work to support dramatically increasing the numbers of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis teachers by 10,000 and to promote the systemic changes necessary in leading to more sustainable Indigenous teacher employment opportunities in all areas of the country.

Impact Areas:

Program Details
The Rideau Hall Foundation (RHF) is at the beginning stages of work to support dramatically increasing the numbers of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis teachers by 10,000 and to promote the systemic changes necessary in leading to more sustainable Indigenous teacher employment opportunities in all areas of the country. Made possible through generous philanthropic support by the Mastercard Foundation, the RHF will be investing in excess of $45 million towards innovative community-driven approaches to achieving these objectives.
This long-term journey will involve the RHF:
- Working through collaborative partnerships that empower and amplify new and existing initiatives in pursuit of these system-wide objectives, including the support of:
- Promotion of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis educator pathways that integrate outreach and awareness in middle and secondary schools;
- Dramatic expansion of the number of qualified First Nations, Inuit, and Métis K-12 teachers in pursuit of a representative workforce;
- Structural creating of conditions for meaningful and sustained Indigenous teacher employment;
- Indigenous-led research outlining the opportunities and challenges related to First Nations, Inuit, and Métis teacher education and representative K-12 educational workforces
- Listening and learning, followed by concrete actions and funding that supports innovative Indigenous-led and community-driven approaches. Throughout 2021 the RHF engaged in listening and learning from many Inuit, First Nations and Métis teacher education programs across Canada. Throughout this process, we are encouraged to see a mix of both pride and humility in current achievements, barriers being overcome, and the vision and commitment towards future growth and impact. This process of listening and learning will continue throughout 2022 as we work towards sector wide allyship-based support.
- Working, through allyship, with Métis, First Nations and Inuit teacher education initiatives to enhance current capacities and support promising pilot projects across the country. Our partnerships will be informed by Indigenous-led initiatives led by local Indigenous communities working in collaboration with universities and colleges – focused on the recruitment, education, and employment of Indigenous educators.
- Supporting knowledge mobilization: we will collaboratively work towards filling a critical research and data void by supporting an Indigenous-led body of evidence, outlining opportunities and challenges experienced around Indigenous teacher education and representative K-12 educational workforces. Our approach, while national in scope, will reflect regional and cultural differences while empowering and amplifying First Nations, Inuit, and Métis leadership in education.
- Strengthening networks, through potential investments and an exploration of formal and in-formal networks in support of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis teachers, teacher candidates, and educational systems.
In keeping with the RHF’s approach to supporting system-wide change and lasting impact, we will work with Indigenous partners, partners in education, the private sector, and with varying levels of government to accomplish these goals.
For more information, contact:
Rachel Mishenene, M.Ed. (she/her | elle)
Director, Indigenous Teacher Education Initiative
Randa Abader (she/her)
Manager, Indigenous Teacher Education Initiative
Monida Eang
Manager, Events and Partner Engagement (ITE)
John Wood
Coordinator, Programs and Partnerships (ITE)