La période de demande de subvention pour 2023 est maintenant terminée. Restez à l’écoute pour des mises à jour sur le prochain cycle de subventions de la FRH et les réunions sur la formation des enseignants indigènes.

Voici les projets financés [cette information est disponible en anglais uniquement] :

Yukon University, Yukon First Nation Education Directorate, First Nation School Board, YK: $2 million is being awarded towards the Collaborative Indigenous Teachers Education Program. The four-year program will transform education by challenging inequitable approaches. In collaboration with Knowledge Keepers, Yukon University will help to bridge the education gap and create culturally responsive learning environments.

University nuxełhot’įne thaaɁehots’į nistameyimâkanak Blue Quills (Treaty No. 6 Territory): With a $2 million grant to kick start a five-year project, kiskeyihtamowin kiskinohamatowin (teach each other) aims to create three distinct teacher education streams – immersion, elementary and secondary programming. Rooted in Land, language, Ceremony, and relationship, the project is guided by the laws of love, honesty, sharing and strength.

Gabriel Dumont Institute (SK): Over the next four years, the Métis-led organization will invest $1,280,000 in grant funding in their Expanding Teachers Education Program. This will support the institute in expanding their capacity to accept and train more Indigenous students in their journeys to become teachers. The grant will also cover the cost of tuition, living expenses, additional resources, faculties and flexibility for online learning.

Seven Generations Education Institute (ON): The institute will create pathways for Indigenous language teacher training by investing a $2 million grant in their five-year, Indigenous-led project Language Creates the Farm Team. Adopting the Elders Circle approach, the program integrates culture and land-based teachings with an emphasis on building from an earlier practicum.

Mi’kmaq Wolastoqey Centre – University of New Brunswick (NB): A $1,999,000 grant toward their five-year project, Culturally Grounded Indigenous Teachers, will redesign the Bachelor of Education program to include Indigenous language immersion with a land-based approach.

University College of the North (MB): Receiving a $2 million grant toward its Teacher Training and Language Revitalization in Northern Manitoba: Building Capacity Together program. The five-year project aims to expand teachers’ training with semi-remote pathways, enhance language certifications, facilitate transitions to BA and BEd programs, and implement a literacy readiness initiative with land-based and language training support.

Office of First Nations and Inuit Education (OFNIE) – McGill University, QC: Their Strong Foundations, Strong Partnerships, and Strong Futures: Advancing Indigenous Teacher Education by Investing in Instruction program is being awarded $1,979,664. Collaborating with education authorities such as Kativik Ilisarniliriniq, Cree School Board, Kahnawake, Kanehsatake Education Centres, and Central Quebec School Board, the partnership is focusing on community-based teacher education and professional development.

Thèmes principaux pour 2023

The 2023 RFP invited project submissions across four priority themes that had risen to the surface through coast to coast to coast listening and learning sessions:

La demande de propositions 2023 a invité à soumettre des projets sur quatre thèmes prioritaires qui sont ressortis lors des séances de consultation organisées partout au pays :

  1. Langues : Nous croyons que les programmes de formation des enseignants et enseignantes qui mettent l’accent sur la préservation, la revitalisation et la promotion des langues autochtones, inuites et métisses inciteront un plus grand nombre d’enseignant.e.s de ces peuples à entrer dans la profession, et soutiendront le personnel enseignant déjà dans le domaine.
  2. Nature et territoire : Nous croyons qu’il est important d’intégrer l’apprentissage en nature et sur le territoire dans la formation des enseignant.e.s autochtones, inuit.e.s et mé afin d’encourager un plus grand nombre à entrer dans la profession et de soutenir ceux et celles ayant déjà fait ce choix de vocation.
  3. Leadership : Il s’agit ici de donner priorité aux occasions de perfectionnement du leadership chez lesAutochtones, les Inuit.e.s et les Mé dans le secteur de l’éducation. Encourager et soutenir le leadership améliorera la capacité décisionnelle au niveau systémique dans le milieu et créera des occasions de mentorat continu pour le personnel enseignant des premiers peuples.
  4. Amour et bienveillance : Ce thème est centré sur la promotion d’un environnement d’apprentissage bienveillant, inclusif et empreint de compassion dans le cadre de la formation d’enseignant.e.s autochtones, inuit.e.s et mé

Voir les lignes directrices ici.