The RHF is proud to unveil a new treatment of our logo, designed by our partners at pipikwan pêhtâkwan. This logo treatment will be used to represent the work we do as part of our Indigenous Teacher Education initiative, helping to support a dramatic increase in First Nations, Métis and Inuit teachers from coast to coast to coast
We debuted this new look recently at the Indspire National Gathering in Montréal.
See the description of the design process from the designers at pipikwan pêhtâkwan here:

RHF logo with soft blue plant imagery around the icon.The icon is encompassed by designs of nature and medicine. The bottom of the icon features sage leaves with sweetgrass climbing up the left side of the icon, representing First Nations. Often sage and sweetgrass are used in smudges and healing circles because of their healing effects.
The flower on the left bottom corner is the prairie rose, which represents Métis. The prairie rose is representative of Métis women, and is often seen in Métis beadwork.
The flower at the top is a purple saxifrage flower representing Inuit. The purple saxifrage flower is the official flower of Nunavut. It blooms in the arctic in spring and is used for a variety of remedies, including medicinal tea.
The soft blue of the floral and nature addition to the logo doesn’t take away from the bright red square of the original Rideau Hall Foundation logo. The blue colour of the nature designs compliments the bright red, allowing it to come to the forefront while the light blue retreats.